The Bernese Mountain dog

Large dog breeds are just as adorable and sweet as small ones, they’re all perfect for any family and individual. One of these cuddly breeds is the Bernese Mountain Dog.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a large dog breed with a big personality. They have large heads that are proportional to the rest of their bodies. Their coat is long and brightly colored, with either straight or slightly wavy fur. The base color is jet black, with reddish brown markings and white spots. The Bernese Mountain Dog is between 25 and 27 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs around 110 pounds. They are an excellent breed of dog for all families provided they have an active lifestyle and are able to provide the necessary stimuli to encourage this breed to develop their physical and mental capabilities. They are independent and peaceful, and perfect for families with children or adults. They are safe to be around and provide a sense of security. The Bernese Mountain Dog enjoys playing with children during walks to the dog park or in nature. When they have had enough exercise, they will relax at home and can make excellent babysitters. 

The fur of the Bernese Mountain Dog needs to be brushed at least three times a week. However, during shedding season, it is best to brush them once a day to prevent our home from being clogged with Bernie’s fur and dirt. It is generally advisable to bathe a Great Dane only every two months, unless they have become very dirty. Excessive bathing can strip natural oils from their coat and cause skin irritation. If you are not comfortable bathing your dog yourself, most groomers will be happy to do it for you. 

Although these dogs have a calm temperament, they will not adapt well to a sedentary life since they need sufficient exercise. It’s essential they have at least three walks a day combined with other physical activities. This is why homes with yards or space to run around are more appropriate to meet their needs. We also cannot ignore the Bernese Mountain Dog’s need for companionship and affection, as they are social animals. It is best that they have someone with them most of the time and are able to interact with other people, dogs, and environments. It is important to socialize Bernese Mountain dogs from a young age, as this will help them to get along with strangers and other dogs. However, due to their reserved nature, it is important to approach them in a positive way in order to gain their trust. 

Training this breed is easy as they are intelligent and can learn numerous tasks and abilities with positive reinforcement. It is recommended to stimulate their intelligence daily with games and different activities to keep them mentally active. One of the main behavioral problems associated with this breed is destructiveness. This typically stems from a lack of exercise and/or companionship. If you are considering adoption, it is essential to make sure these needs are met. Additionally, regular obedience sessions teaching basic commands will not only be enjoyable for both the dog and owner, but will also help the dog feel valued, stimulated and mentally active. Furthermore, this will strengthen the bond between human and canine significantly. 

The Bernese Mountain dog is susceptible to diseases just like any other dog. For this reason, regular visits to the vet every six months or so is ideal. Any health problems should not be neglected. Heatstroke is also common due to the thickness of their fur, so take precautions if you live in a warm climate or there’s a heatwave. Don’t neglect their internal and external deworming schedules as well as vaccinations, doing so will have a negative effect on their health and shorten their life expectancy, which is 8-9 years.

As the giant, cuddly bears they are, Bernese Mountain Dogs deserve just as much love as they deserve- as huge as their entire heart and being!