everything dog


Top 8 Supplements for Your Dog’s Joint Health

brown and yellow medication tablets

As pet owners, we all want our furry friends to be healthy and happy. Joint health is an important aspect of a dog’s overall wellbeing. However, as dogs age, they may develop joint problems such as arthritis, which can cause pain and discomfort. Fortunately, there are several supplements that can …

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Cushing’s disease in dogs

Cushing's disease in dogs

Dogs who suffer from Cushing’s disease possess an issue with their adrenal glands, two organs that are situated in front of each kidney. As the disease progresses, the most distinctive sign is frequent urination combined with an excessive thirst. Additionally, dogs suffer from muscle atrophy and thinning of their skin, …

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How can you treat your dogs’ skin allergies

How can you treat your dogs' skin allergies

Dogs, just like people, can become allergic when exposed to certain food items or other environmental elements. It may come as a surprise, but skin allergies in dogs are quite prevalent. Fortunately, most of these can be dealt with easily and effectively. Consulting with a veterinarian is essential if you …

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Protect your dogs from mosquitoes

Protect your dogs from mosquitoes

Dogs are the ultimate example of a perfect pet companion, as they provide us with love and companionship. Not only are they great friends to humans, but they can also be loyal pals to other dogs. We tend to take our beloved canine friends for granted since we perceive them …

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How to treat mange in dogs

How to treat mange in dogs

Parasites are everywhere, and it’s no doubt that even our dogs are in huge danger of them and what they bring.  Occasionally, we may witness our animals persistently scratching themselves and leaving behind areas of red skin with scabs or sores. This could be an indicator that they have mange; …

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Does dog have eye boogers?

Does dog have eye boogers?

Eye discharge in dogs may seem unappealing to some owners, but it is usually nothing to be concerned about. The boogers that can accumulate in a dog’s eyes are typically caused by a variety of causes – though it is important to note that there may be times when eye …

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Effective ways to cure ear infection for dogs

effective ways to cure ear infection for dogs

Our pets are more prone to certain kinds of bodily problems, especially in their skin and ears. Dog ear infections are a common problem, but they should not be ignored. Even if it seems like a minor infection, it could turn into a more serious, potentially life-threatening condition. Therefore, be …

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Why is deworming important?

Why is deworming important?

Your pet’s visit to the vet wouldn’t be complete without its monthly checkups, vaccinations, and deworming. The importance of correctly deworming dogs both externally and internally cannot be underestimated. Many people are unaware of the importance of this and wonder if it is truly beneficial to deworm their dog on …

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Are humans safe against the parasites from our dogs?

Are humans safe against the parasites from our dogs?

Owners have several worries when it comes to owning a pet, however one of the major problems we encounter would be the presence of parasites. It is true that some parasites which infest dogs can also affect humans, and vice versa. These may be accompanied by diseases of varying infectiousness. …

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Ringworm in dogs

Ringworm in dogs

One of the most dangerous conditions a dog may contract is Ringworm. Although it is called Ringworm, this condition is not caused by a worm. It is a fungus that grows in the outermost layer of skin and in the hair follicles of infected dogs. Sometimes, the nails may also …

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