everything dog


How to train your dog in a crate

how to train your dog in a crate

If you’ve been looking for methods on how to confidently train your dog to stay inside a crate, you’ve come to the right place! Crate training is an important aspect of pet care, from providing a safe and sheltered space for them to call their own to establishing basic obedience guidelines. With the right tools and techniques, you can have your pooch happily content inside a crate in no time. Now, having said that, it’s important to keep in mind that crate training your dog is not a one-time thing. It’s an ongoing process that requires patience and perseverance. But if you’re willing to put in the time and effort, you’ll find the rewards to be priceless. So let’s explore the 7 easy steps to crate training your pup and get them comfortable with their new space!

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The Best Way to Train Your Dog to Walk on a Leash

Train Your Dog to Walk on a Leash

If you have a dog, then you know that one of the most important things you need to teach them is how to walk on a leash. Walking on a leash is not only important for your dog’s safety, but it’s also a great way to bond with your furry …

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8 Simple Tricks to Teach Your Dog to Fetch

Teach Your Dog to Fetch

If you are a dog owner, you know how important it is to teach your furry friend to play fetch. It is not only a great way to bond with your pet, but also a way to provide them with physical exercise and mental stimulation. However, some dogs may not …

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The Ultimate Guide to Potty Training Your Puppy

Potty Training Your Puppy

Potty training your puppy is an essential part of its development and can be challenging for both you and your furry friend. However, with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can successfully train your puppy to use the bathroom outside. Here are 15 tips to help you potty train your …

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Top 12 Secrets to Train Your Dog in Record Time

Train Your Dog

Dogs are wonderful companions and an essential part of our lives. They are known for their loyalty, love, and protection towards their owners. However, they require training to become obedient, well-behaved, and helpful pets. Training a dog is a process that requires time, patience, and consistency. It can be challenging …

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How to introduce two dogs meeting for the first time

adult black and white Siberian husky beside short-coated brown dog

Dog-to-dog aggression & dominance is a common behavior present in all canines, male dogs specifically being more inclined to demonstrate it. Involvement in such behaviors between unknown pooches can cause hostile confrontations and should be closely monitored. The presence of a new animal in a home with existing dogs can …

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What do dogs do if there is a distraction?

What do dogs do if there is a distraction?

There may be instances wherein you get confused about why your pet is acting in some sort of way. Dog owners often complain that their dogs obey them at home, but when they are outdoors, their training appears to be forgotten. This behavior is usually mistaken as being headstrong, dominant, …

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6 toilet training tips for your puppy

6 toilet training tips for your puppy

Potty training your beloved pet can be a laborious process, particularly for inexperienced dog owners. It often comes with messes, accidents, and numerous trash bags full of waste. To help you out, here are six tips to make the process easier. Taking note of them Active supervision, crate training, and …

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Dog crate training

Dog crate training

Training your dogs is part of their growing process, one of the things you need to train them on is remaining in their cage or crate. Many people are concerned about crate training their dogs, as they are unsure of how to get the dog to settle down in the …

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