everything dog


How to show love to your dogs

photo of man hugging tan dog

The bonds between us and our dogs are strong, and they often show us how much they love us. The connection between you and your canine companion can be made even stronger by embracing all their amazing features considering the different genetics they carry as a result of certain breed-standardization. …

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How to teach your puppies to socialize

How to teach your puppies to socialize

Having socialization is essential for raising a puppy into a well-rounded adult. Without it, the normal everyday life can be very confusing and overwhelming for our dogs. Unfortunately, most people have a misconception of what socialization actually entails. We can sometimes do more harm than good when socializing our puppies, …

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How to keep your dogs calm during fireworks

How to keep your dogs calm during fireworks

Dogs, known for their loyalty and courage, can be scared of certain things. These scary elements may be potentially harmful and produce a range of effects on your canine companion. It’s not unusual for dogs to have an aversion to loud noises. According to a study of dog owners, 50% …

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How to understand the dog language

Man Talking to his Dog

Understanding the dog language is a challenging task, especially for new dog owners, but given time and patience, we can learn how to talk to our puppies. We have never had the ability to understand dogs in the same way scientists have been able to do. Despite the internet teeming …

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