everything dog


When Do Dogs Become Seniors

when do dogs become seniors

This blog post is about the age when dogs become seniors and what pet owners should be aware of in terms of health and behavior during this stage. When it comes to our beloved pets, there always comes a time when they mature from being puppies to their elderly years. It can seem like only yesterday when our pups were running around, having fun and playing with us, when in reality, they have now entered into a different life stage and it is important to be aware of the changes that come with it. In this blog post, we will explore the age when dogs become seniors, what pet owners should be aware of in terms of health and behavior during this stage, and how to make sure we are providing our senior pup with the best possible care for their later years. Unlike humans, it is not always easy to pinpoint when dogs become seniors due to their wide range in size and breed. It is not uncommon for a medium-sized dog to live up to 15 years and with larger breeds like the Great Dane, the lifespan can go up to 8 years or more. To figure out if your dog has reached the senior years or not, it is important to look at their age in relation to their breed’s life expectancy. A general rule of thumb is that smaller breeds tend to reach seniority at around 7 years old and larger breeds can start aging as early as 5 years old.

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Do Dogs Think We Are Dogs

It's a common question among pet owners: do dogs think we are dogs? Have you ever wondered if your furry friend thinks of you as a sibling or even a parent? We’ve all seen the videos of dogs seeming to understand what their owners are saying, and we’ve heard the stories of how much they seem to “love” us. It’s easy to have a heartfelt bond with a pet, but is it possible that we may be more than just friends in their eyes? It turns out that understanding the complex inner workings of a canine mind is no small feat! Even though humans and dogs have been living together for thousands of years, we still don't know definitively if our four-legged friends think of us as fellow canines. In this blog post, we’ll look at the evidence both for and against this theory. We’ll explore scientific studies and take a closer look at the behavior of our beloved pets to find out if they really do think of us as family members or simply as two very different species. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of canine cognition and see if science can tell us if dogs really think we’re dogs too!

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How dogs see the world

How dogs see the world

No matter whether or not all of us are dog people, it remains true that man’s best friend is credited as being a dog. Additionally, women too can make these canine creatures their closest pal. Dogs can be fascinating from a scientific perspective. Contrary to popular belief, the vision of …

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Can dogs see colors?

Can dogs see colors?

Studies have shown that the retina of a dog’s eye contains rods and cones which enable it to recognize a wider range of colors than humans. This means that while they might not distinguish between the exact same shades like we do, they still have excellent levels of color vision …

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Do dogs pick a favorite owner?

Do dogs pick a favorite owner?water during daytime

It’s no secret that there’s one certain person in the family that your dog often happily approaches and plays with the most. If your canine companion prefers your company over everyone else’s, it’s likely that you hold a special place in their life. This can be evidenced by them running …

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The reason we love dogs so much

The reason we love dogs so much

At times, there’s an unexplainable pull or bond between us and our dogs. Dogs have a magnetic effect on humans, bringing us joy and unconditional love. The appeal of these adorable creatures could be in their adorable faces, their sweet puppy dog eyes, or maybe in the way they become …

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Do dogs dream?

Do dogs dream?

Dog owners may have this very question pique their curiosity. Do dogs actually dream? It is easy to assume that dogs do dream, given the fact that people have watched their pets sleeping. Nonetheless, science does not know for sure. Other animals’ sleep patterns may hold clues but we cannot …

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Why dogs should not play with rocks

Why dogs should not play with rocks

  Although some may be thinking that their dog playing with rocks is harmless, here are the reasons why it is not recommended and what could happen as a result. Choking Hazards Doing activities such as running, jumping, and playing while having something in your mouth significantly raises the risk …

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How long is a dog’s life?

How long is a dog's life?

It is the dream of people who own dogs to live forever. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Our furry loved ones’ lifespan depends on a lot of factors and we can estimate their life span depending on their ancestry. Some dogs can live as long as 20 years, while others …

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