Can dogs eat apple?

Boy sitting with apples on ladder near funny playful Dachshunds

Fruits are healthy and refreshing, they may also be considered a great option for your dog’s treat.

Apples are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like calcium and phosphorus. Many dogs enjoy the sweet taste and crunchy texture of apples. However, be sure to remove any decorations from the apple before giving it to your dog, to avoid any choking hazards. While apple seeds do contain small amounts of cyanogenic glycosides, which can create cyanide, this is only a problem if your dog eats a lot of them. You can give your dog the same apples you eat, including the skin, but wash all non-organic apples in water with some added apple cider vinegar to remove any pesticide residue.

Apples make for a great treat for dogs. The apples that dogs seem to enjoy the most are the ones that are wrinkled and softened, with bruises. These are the ones that no one wants because they taste sweeter and have a naturally semi-digested flavor and smell from sitting. Dogs enjoy fruit that is sweet and easy to digest. Wash and cut thin slices of fruit and give a few slices to small dogs several days each week. For medium-sized dogs, give a quarter to half an apple worth of slices once a week. For large dogs, one whole apple cut into slices per week is ideal.

There are several benefits you get from feeding apples to your dogs.

Apples are known for being high in vitamin C, which is an excellent antioxidant. Apples with the skin on are full of phytonutrients, which have been shown to protect people from cancer.

Vitamin C is converted by the body into serotonin, which is known as the “happy chemical” and can act as a natural antidepressant. This helps to improve your dog’s mood. It is beneficial for a dog’s immune system and overall health, helping to prevent illness.

The epicatechin found in apples also has vasodilating properties, widening veins and arteries to allow for increased blood and oxygen flow throughout the body.

Apples can be cut up into pieces that are a good size for your dog and frozen as summertime treats.

Apples are beneficial for your dog’s digestive system because they are high in fiber. Many dogs enjoy the taste of apples and will happily eat them as a snack. Just feed in moderation and start with smaller pieces to check your dog’s digestion levels.

By feeding them in small amounts, you and your dog will be able to enjoy a great and refreshing treat.