Bad breath in dogs : How to get rid of it

Dogs often love being in close proximity to us, even if it’s just to cuddle us or give us a little kiss. We tend to notice little details about them, one of them would be the way they happily pant in our faces.

Many dog guardians have noticed that their dog’s breath is unpleasant at times. We may accept it as normal, but halitosis or bad breath is likely the accumulation of bacteria in our dog’s mind. It’s important to understand it and figure out what’s going on.

Bad breath in dogs can be caused by the accumulation of bacteria in the dog’s mouth, however, there are other potential causes such as diabetes, coprophagia, intestinal problems, gingivitis, or periodontitis. If your dog’s breath is particularly bad, it may be necessary to take them to the veterinarian to rule out any health problems. In addition to a serious health problem, there are ways to combat bad breath in dogs, such as regular brushing. Ideally, this should be done on a daily basis; however, if this is not possible, you can clean your dog’s teeth three to four times a week. This will help eliminate tartar and plaque, as well as bacteria.

We always need to use a specific brush toothpaste for dogs, not those for humans use. Home remedies can also help with bad breath. For dental health, in addition to regular brushing, you can give your dog a raw carrot a few times a week. Chewing on the carrot will help remove plaque and tartar. Raw bones can have a similar effect, but they must be frozen before giving them to your dog and defrosted in the refrigerator. If you feed your dog a dry, balanced diet, you should be aware that there are brands that specifically target this problem. Also, larger kibble helps improve the mechanical action and friction, eliminating accumulated debris. Parsley, apple cider vinegar, and other homemade remedies can help fight bad odors and maintain your dog’s health. Homemade recipes that include parsley can help whiten teeth and fight various mild health problems. Apple cider vinegar is also a disinfectant and antifungal, so it can help control different types of infections.

Like us humans, our pets also need to take care of their dental health. It’s an effective way to both manage their breath and their teeth’s condition.